Monday, April 7, 2008

Review of Remember to Forget by Deborah Raney

One morninging changed everything about her life. but could it also set her free? Graphic designer Maggie Anderson has lived under her boyfriend's tyranny for nearly two years... until she's carjacked in New York. Will this terrifying experience be the end for Maggie-or the beginnining of a freedom greater than she dares imagine? To gain that freedom, she'll have to remember to forget everything about her old life...

Trevor Ashlock is exisiting, day by day, in the little town of Clayburn, Kansas. Surrounded by too many painful reminders of all he's lost, he fills his time with work trying desperately to forget. Then compelling and lovely stranger shows up in Clayburn and turns Trevor's world upside down.

I have not read anything by Deborah Raney in the past but I am now going to devour all of her past books. This is a very moving story about starting over and taking back your life. It shows the true meaning of forgiveness in an amazing story of a woman running from her past and finding she has a home and a soft place to land. The characters are all well developed even if at times I found myself wanting to shake Maggie. The pacing of the book flows well and kept me interested until the last page. The book gets all smiles from me and a hearty recommendation.

1 comment:

Deborah Raney said...

Donna, I'm delighted to know that you enjoyed my book (I saw your post on Pam Meyers' blog) and I hope that you've been successful in finding some of my other books. Maybe you'll even win Leaving November! : )

I really appreciate your review and am very happy my book gets "all smiles" from you.

Have a wonderful day!
