Thursday, November 20, 2008

Success in School

The boys brought home their report cards and both received all A's. We are so very proud of them. Jojo is doing extremely well in first grade. He is a top notch reader. Mitch is in his first year in middle school and if you have read any of my post on that you know it has not been an easy transition but he is doing so well in school.

I have asked others how to help your children be successful and the answers are very similar. Here is what I have heard from teachers and parents.

1. Listen to them. Sometimes this is difficult when we are struggling with all the demands of life. It is important for your children to know that they have your ear to discuss what is going on in their lives.
2. Don't over commit. Think of all the sports, music and club activities that today's children are involved in. In today's society we have placed our children in so many activities they have no time to relax. This can lead to frustration thus interfering with their academic success.
3. Be INVOLVED. Believe it or not your child wants you to be there. They want to spend time with you even when they are teens. Yes, they may treat you differently not wanting to curl up in your lap is a good thing at the age of 12 but that doesn't mean they don't want you around.
4. Be in contact. Teachers want parents that are actively involved with the school. Email is a great way to stay in contact. Some schools even give parents access to lesson plans and grades online. Use these resources.

What advice have you learned to help your children be successful?

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