Saturday, December 27, 2008

100+ reading Challenge

I have decided I would join a challenge or two this year. I have seen so many over the past year. The first one I am going to join is The 100+ Reading Challenge. Head over to J. Kayes Book blog to see the details and sign up. I hope many of the my friends will join me. I will add my books here! Here are a few I have lined up for this month.

  1. Be Strong and Curvaceous by Shelly Adina
  2. Blood Lines by Mel Odom
  3. Lying on Sunday by Sharon K Souza
  4. The Valentine Edition by Robin Shope
  5. FireFlies in December by Jennifer Erin Valent

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wanted to stop in and welcome you to this challenge. If you haven't already, feel free to join us at the Yahoo Groups where others are participating in this challenge as well as others.