I am excited to introduce Linore Rose Burkard. She has written an amazing regency novel.
Before the Season Ends tells the fasicnating story of Ariana Forsythe as she leaves her home in the country and lives with her Aunt Bentley for the season. Ariana comes from a devout family and her time in London challenges her to stay true to her faith. Of course this is a romance so the love intrest is Mr. Phillip Mornay, the handsome rogue. With love in the air can Ariana's beliefs survive?
If you like Jane Austen novels then this is a great pick for you. Let's get to know Linore.
Christmas carols are one of my favorite things about Christmas. What is your favorite carol?
I’m rarely able to settle upon just one favorite anything! I do love Christmas carols, I love all the old hymns of the season and lots of the newer ones. I try to listen to The Messiah at least once every season, but I suppose it would be fair to say my favorites are the traditional rousing, sing-alongs with the family.
One of my favorite hyms is Go Tell It On the Mountain and my six year old son has been singing it for the past few weeks. Christmas is a time that many memories are made. What is the best Christmas memory you have?
My dad grew up in a rather austere German family, but they loved holidays and made the most of them. So he continued this with us, using a special Christmas bell and waking us eight children up at an ungodly hour of the morning, while it was still dark. He’d climb the stairs ringing that bell, and calling out, “Merry Christmas! Santa Claus was here! HO HO HO! Merry Christmas!” He’d go through every bedroom, to the third floor, and then back down, until we were all herded downstairs and we’d sit on the sofa and stare, dazzled, at the wonderful sight of all the presents beneath the tree.
He’d have Christmas music playing, and my mom was already busy in the kitchen where the smell of pancakes and bacon or sausage would be wafting out. We kids would be grinning at each other, and it was just a magical time. My husband and I have tried to make Christmas just as special, but we generally are still asleep when the kids wake us up! We’ve usually been up so late waiting for them to fall asleep the night before that we’re pretty zonked by morning.
That is a wonderful memory. I can relate to the kids waking us up to but it is still at an ungodly hour and seems to get earlier every year.
I love all of the holiday movies but White Christmas is my favorite. I make my family sit down every year to watch this classic. Do you have a favorite holiday movie?
Absolutely—I have a handful of favorites, actually. Miracle on 34th Street, It’s a Wonderful Life, Christmas in Connecticut (with Barbara Stanwyck),--and oh, I can’t leave out A Christmas Carol! The old version with Alistair Sim is priceless. My kids enjoy the goofy “Christmas with the Kranks.” And I always squeeze in a performance of The Nutcracker, (or two—I have a few versions, with different ballet companies). Seeing it live is preferable, but I can’t always do that.
We took our kids to the children's theater this year to see the musical Rudolph and it was wonderful. I have taken them in the past to see The Nutcracker but only my daughter really appreciated that one.
Out of all the mythical Christmas creatures who do you relate to the most?

I can’t say I “relate” to them, but I guess if you had to liken me to any, it would be a Christmas elf, for sure! I generally start the next year’s shopping right after Christmas, so that I’m concerned all year with gathering and storing presents.
I have a lot of hiding spots, and I’ve been known to “lose” gifts, too, finding them after Christmas (I knew I had one of these! Darn!) I’ve had years when I’m done shopping by September, for the most part. (But not lately!)
Oh I wish I was that organized. I am still pondering what to get some of my family. What pet peeves do you have associated with the Holiday season?
Well, I love the holiday season, so my pet peeve would be that it goes so fast I can’t do everything I wish I could, or wish my family could. I ALWAYS want to bake more recipes than I’ve time for, or enjoy more Christmas-y events than we can afford.
I’d love to include a little message in every card I write, and some years I try to do just that—but it’s a big time commitment. On a personal level, my pet peeve is that I don’t always stop long enough to lose myself at God’s feet and just worship Him for His coming. And, that children can complain after we’ve worked so hard to make the day a thrill!
I can relate to not having enough time. I always want to bake and do all sort of crafty gifts like I have been wanting to make a quilt for my mom and one for my husband and well they ain't gonna see one this year. I do get caught up in the hustle and bustle and don't take the time to spend with God. Since Advent is a time to watch sometimes we forget to watch for the coming of Christ and go right to His birth missing so much of the importance.
Could you please briefly describe your novel?

Before the Season Ends is a romantic foray into the elegance and grand manners of Regency England. My heroine is a young woman of strong convictions who finds herself having to deal with feelings for the wrong man.
He’s handsome, he’s rich and powerful, and he does come to her aid in some important ways. But he’s not her idea of proper “husband” material. The book has excitement and adventure, an authentic regency atmosphere that is fun-filled and glittering, and of course what I call a “prodigiously” happy ending.
Thank you so much for stopping by. I absolutely loved your novel and I can't wait until the sequel comes out in April. I hope you have a very merry Christmas. Linore where can readers find you?
My website URL is: http://www.linoreroseburkard.com/
I may be dropping my blogs, but right now readers can go to this one:
http://regencyyuletide.blogspot.com/ or, http://shesgotcharacter.blogspot.com/
Thank you, Donna!!
Linore has graciously offered to give away a copy to a blessed reader who leaves a comment on this blog. I have to tell you this is a wonderful book and I highly reccomend it to anyone who enjoys reading regency novels.
To win a copy Before the Season Ends by Linore Rose Burkard answer the daily question and leave a way for me to contact you if you win.
*** 2 extra entries by subscribing to my blog via email.
*** 2 extra entries link back to my post on your blog
***2 extra entries tell me a book you bought this month
Today's question: What is your favorite mythical Christmas creature and Why? Mine is Frosty. I love the snow. Although in Texas it is rare. I have fond memories of spending time at my Grandparents in Illinois and playing in the snow.
One of my favorite mythical characters has been "Rudolf." I am a "root for the underdog" person and always have been so I relate to his chance to "guide the sled" when he was the least obvious.
I bought "An Irish Woman's Tale" by Patti Lacy and am really enjoying it.
Thanks for the chance to win this novel as I love, love, love Jane Austen.(books and movies)
Gayla Collins
I'm totally an elf! I LOVE finding just the perfect gifts for my family. Like Linore, I start right after Christmas. :) (And I too have lost gifts- the only drawback to this method!)
Books I've bought this month... I just bought Freefall by Kristen Heitzmann, and I'm getting ready to buy Try Dying, by James Scott Bell. I can't wait to read Linore's book. It looks like one I might need to get for a few friends. :)
Thanks for having this contest!
aaronandlori (at) gmail (dot) com
I love Jane Austen and would love to read this book! If I do not win it, I will be buying it!
Hmmm, that is a hard question.....I do not really have a favorite.....is that bad?
I grew up without knowing even who most of them are! I do like the elves though!
I subscribed to your blog too....
Oh, I forgot to tell you what book I bought this month! I bought A Long Journey Home by Sharlene MacLaren.
I will also link to you on my blog!
My favorite mythical one if the Abodminable snowman. Because he was not really mean just misunderstood. Kind of like me when PMS hits. spowell01(at)bellsouth(dot)net
I bought Sushi for One by Camy Tang this monthe and SInner by Ted Dekker. HAve read Healing Waters by Nancy Rue.
I love Jane Austen, those books were what got me into reading classics, so I would love to read this book and see if it has that feel.
I like the Miser Brothers, they remind me of my brother and I, always fighting about something, but agreeing in the end. (And I like their song..lol I'm mister freezemiser I mister snow...hehe)
I bought Passion Redeemed by Julie Lessman, cause I couldn't win it..lol if I can't win this one I will probably buy it too. :)
I like elves too, and all the other mythical Christmas characters so its hard to pick just one.
New books I just got...
Quaker Summer - Lisa Samson
Flies on the Butter - Denise Hildreth
Red Helmet - Homer Hickam
Have a blessed Christmas,
Well, I have to give a vote for Mrs. Claus. I think she is very under appreciated. I actually haven't bought one single book this month. One pet peeve - why do they start with the decorations in stores now before Halloween? Irks me to no end.
This book is one I have put on my wish list. I love Regency Romances. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.
I have definitely always had a fascination with elves. Love those pointy ears.
As far as buying books this month goes, I tripped over one of my 2 year old's toys on November 14th and tore my Meniscus, ACL, MCL and also suffered a fracture on my Tibia. I am currently undergoing Physical Therapy as I am unable to walk. Anyway, I have not been able to get to a bookstore to treat myself to some new books so I have nothing I can say I purchased this month.
I have always loved Regencies since discovering Georgette Heyer many years ago, and would love to win Linore's book. I'm so glad to see Regencies in the Christian fiction market.
I already subscribe to your blog via e-mail, Donna, and I will link to your post tonight.
My favorite new book purchase this month is a wonderful advent devotional called Pursuing the Christ by Jennifer Kennedy Dean.
As for my favorite mythical character, it would have to the the little drummer boy. I'm a pianist and always loved the question, "Shall I play for you?"
Thank you for this contest!
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
Donna, I posted the link to this post on my blog:
My favorite mythical Christmas character is Rudolph, because I went through a lot of teasing as a kid, like he did. Of course, I didn't go down in history!
The new book I'm reading now is Hannah Grace by Sharlene MacLaren. It's wonderful!
I hope I win Before the Season Ends, because I love regencies and Jane Austen.
Deborah Piccurelli
Santa Clause is my favorite because it is a happy time of the year.
Linda H
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