If you would like to win a copy be sure to leave a comment answering the question "What is your Favorite Christmas memory?" with you email addy so that I can contact you if you win.
Lynette is married to Jack Eason and together they have two beautiful children. Jack works with Xtreme and Sound of Light and is her web and marketing guy. How blessed is that. Lynette loves to walk on the beach, visit the mountains and of course read. You can often find her on line talking about writing with anyone who will listen. Let's welcome Lynette.
I don’t know if this is considered a Christmas Carol, but my favorite song that is usually sung at Christmas is O HOLY NIGHT and my favorite version is the one sung by Sandy Patti. I get chills just thinking about it. And now I want to hear it! Think I’ll go put it in. Ha.
Are there any foods that you only have a Christmas dinner?
Not really. We typically have the traditional Christmas feast. But my all time favorite is my mother’s Swedish Meatballs. You simply can’t beat them!
Could you please share a family favorite recipe?
1 lb. Ground meat (the kind with the most fat tastes better!)
3 slices of bread toasted then ground in the blender to make bread crumbs
1 egg
1/3 cup of milk
1 teaspoon of salt
¼ teaspoon of pepper
Mix all up and roll into balls. (NOTE: The mixture should be very moist. Sometimes the breadcrumbs make it a little dry. Just add a little more milk to make the mixture moist.)
Bake at 425 for 20 minutes
1 package of brown gravy
1 ¼ cups of water
Put meatballs into a big pot and then pour the prepared gravy over them and let the mixture simmer until you’re ready to eat it.
When we grow-up our family traditions change to join with our spouse’s traditions. What traditions do you have that are different from when you were growing up?
My husband likes to celebrate Christmas Day at home. He wants to wake up in our house on Christmas morning and stay here. I don’t particularly care, but that’s what he wants to do. So, we celebrate Christmas with my family on Christmas Eve morning and day and then his family on Christmas Eve night. Then we come home and wait for Santa! The next day, Christmas Day, we stay home. Sometimes our parents will drive over and see what the kids got from Santa.
What led you to write a Christmas story?
I’ve always loved Christmas and love what it’s about. LOVE! That’s what Jesus made Christmas all about. I decided to write a story about a little boy who needed a heart to live, but was willing to give it away to help someone else.
Could you please briefly describe your novel?

Here’s a little blurb. To save a sick, orphaned boy, Anna Freeman must risk her own life. Little Paulo desperately needs a new heart. It's his only Christmas wish—well, that and building his first snowman. For the surgery, Anna must take him to a hospital in the city she once called home. A place she fled in fear years ago. Which means telling Dr. Lucas Bennett that the woman he's known all this time as a caring orphanage worker is really someone else. Someone with a very frightening past. And that the danger stalking all of them won't take Christmas Day off.
Purchase a copy Holiday Illusion (Amazon Adventure Series #3) (Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense #126)
Lynette's website
If you would like to win a copy of Lynette's novel Holiday Illusions be sure to leave a comment and answer the question: What is your favorite Christmas memory?Be sure to leave your email addy so that I can contact you if you win.
My favorite Christmas memory, is going to this art gallery in Shreveport La. They always, had this huge Christmas tree, in the foyer, and that year it was spectacular, decorated with real roses, and pearls, and gorgeous ornaments, very Victorian.
Please enter me in the contest.
Thank you,
Becky C.
My first Christmas with my hubby of 32 years, I made all the ornaments for the trees. I spend hours and hours but our tree looked so beautiful. They lasted a long time but now are looking pretty disheveled.
Gayla Collins
I to love Oh Holy Night.
Im not sure what my favourite Christmas Memory is but I treasure the times after dad died when a friend of ours who was a widow also and her daughter invited us the first Christmas after dad died to have Christmas dinner with them.
I was 12. There other daughter and husband and family they started with one child and had 2 when we stopped going would come for lunch too. then they had there family meal at night.
It was special as we shared Christmas with others and made what could have been a lonely first Christmas without dad really hard. I loved the times there. We would exchange gifts have a wonderful meal. I remember the holly on the table. I was trying to share the memories with mum but shes not doing well this year and not wanting to talk about Christmas.
Please enter me If an aussie can enter.
ausjenny (at) gmail dot com
Becky- The Christmas tree sounds lovely.
Gayla- My children and I made Christmas ornaments a few years ago. They had the best time painting them. They probably don't look as nice as store bought but we love them.
Jenny- I have heard you mention often how ill your mother has been I am so sorry. I am glad you had friends at such a tender age to help that first Christmas. It is often the most difficult time to get through.
My favorite Christmas memory is hard to choose, I have had several. I might pick this one particular one when my sister in law, who had been very hard to get along with, was striving to follow the Lord since she had joined our Ladies Bible Study group. She was actually speaking to me and we had a very pleasant Christmas Dinner with the family that year, one of the very few that were pleasant because she is such a hard person to be around. We both actually about cried because we were able to express to each other how much it meant to feel we now had a sister in law instead of an enemy. This was the same year that we absolutely couldn't afford a Christmas tree and she and her husband brought a little, already decorated tree for us to enjoy.
I'd LOVE to win Lynette's book.
Pam W
cepjwms at yahoo dot com
Hey Lynette - good interview. My hubby is the same as yours in that he wants to stay home for Christmas. But, over the years, I've come to realize that it's a very good thing to have a husband who actually wants to stay home...you know?
My favourite Christmas memory: We'd only been married 5 days and our tiny house was almost devoid of furniture except for a couple recliner's we'd taken from our military barracks. We'd only been allowed a very small amt of our own stuff in our barrack rooms and a recliner was a must.)
Anyway, there we were on Christmas morning (32 yrs ago this Dec 20th) and the first present I opened from my spankin' brand new husband was a - dart pistol? I looked up at him in surprise. He sat in the only other chair in that empty room and grinned. He already had a dart pistol in his hands, loaded and aimed right at me. Before I could duck, he popped one at me!
I was surprised to say the least and might've been shocked to have my new hubby 'shoot me' but I also knew how much of a 'trickster' he was before I married him.
We already have Holiday Illusion and although I haven't read it yet, hubby thoroughly enjoyed it and teen dd raved about it.
It's hard for me to come up with a favorite Christmas memory, too. Would it be one of the times Dad had the duty, and we went on board ship and ate Christmas dinner with him after having a nondenominational service in the chapel? Or the time when I got my dog, and we couldn't find a Christmas tree, so we decorated a palm tree? (We'd been planning to plant it, but it didn't survive the lights & ornaments!) Or the one a couple of years ago where Mom and I were in charge of the Christmas program at our old church, where we were visiting...? So many... Thanks for bringing them to mind!
If I'm not to late to enter the drawing, please enter me. Thanks!
hope _ chastain [at] yahoo [dot] com (no spaces)
I just wanted to stop by and say that I really liked this book, it was the first holiday book I read this year. :)
Thanks Donna, Mum broke her leg 7 weeks ago and its been along haul. shes also had other issues this year. shes currently in the nursing home recovering. But I love christmas and its good mum doesn't so shes there and I can have the place all decked out and shes not here to be a grump about it. I would rather she not be there but If she is i am making the most of it.
my favorite christmas mememory would be Christmas 2007 which was my first Christmas with my now husband of two yrs.it was wonderful to have him in my life and that made my Christmas so perfect.please enter me in the giveaways thanks
The year my husband gave me a wonderful love note wrapped in a box. I'd love to read something Lynette wrote, too!
My favorite memory is a bittersweet one of when I was 8 years old. Santa brought me a Barbie Town House for Christmas. I was such a good girl and had tried to be extra good to make sure I got it. I loved that toy and played with it for hours each day. I say it is a bittersweet memory because six months it burned in a house fire that destroyed our home. I mourned for that toy. This book sounds heartwarming. Would love to read it.
I loved reading your interview Donna! I might have to try to make those meatballs too! (Never made any type of meatballs to date!)
:) Wendi
My favorite Christmas memory was the year my daughter was 2. We decorated the tree and house while she was napping. It was So awesome to see the wonder in her eyes and the excitement on her face when she saw the transformation of the house.
My very favorite Christmas memory was giving birth to my daughter on December 19th and just coming home from the hospital with her in time for Christmas.
My favorite Christmas memory is a strange one, but one Christmas our entire family got a horrible flu with high fevers and the works. There was a huge snow storm too as well, but it is one of my best memories because we were all sick and stuck in the living room for days and my mom read to us a neat story "Under this roof" by Borghild Dahl, about another family sick on christmas, and we watched videos and it was one of the best ones I remember!
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