Am I the only one who feels overwhelmed by the holidays. I normally love the sights and sounds of Christmas. This year I feel well...stressed. I seem to have run out of time to do all the things I planned like making a quilt this year for my mom and my husband. I feel like I just can't seem to get it together and life keeps crowding in. I mean just figuring out how we as a family were going to be with both sets of parents was enough to make me want to join the Kranks and skip Christmas.
Now that I have whined I suppose I should look to the Word to help me out so here it is... my verse to work on this week. This is a hard one for me to.
Paul wrote in Phil 4:11
"I have learned in whatever state I am , to be content"
So for the holiday season, no matter what happens I am going to strive to be content. I am going to be content that I have family to visit during the holiday season. I am content knowing if I should desire to I could make the quilt or bake the cookies. I have a blessed life. Now if you are feeling like whining do so but then think about what good ol' Paul had to say.
1 comment:
I am glad you shared this verse. The Lord has been reminding me a lot of this and added the verse that takes us a step farther: Philippians 4:8 has a list of what we SHOULD be thinking on.
Pam Williams
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