I am a mom of two boys and one girl. I have only raised one teenage boy to the cusp of adulthood
and have another knocking at the door of being a teenager and I would
like to share some wisdom about my boys. I grew up with only a sister so my knowledge of boys or men if you will, was limited to my dad and my husband. I have learned a few things that I wish all girls knew about boys.
1. They feel as deeply as a
girl does. Their little hearts break with sorrow or burst with
happiness but they show it differently. You have to be really watching
to understand it. They don't always cry in front of others but I assure
you their hurt is just as deep as yours. So treat their hearts as gently
as you want yours to be treated.
2. They have been told to treat
girls with respect and kindness. Often this is confused with weakness. I
promise it is not. Perhaps we should spend more time teaching girls the
same but that is for another post.
3. Good boys really are better
than the bad boy image romanticized in movies. These are the men that
will grow up to be faithful. These are the men who will be by you even
when you are being snide and ugly when the monthly visitor comes and
changes us into people we don't even recognize. So realize that when you
brush them aside because they are just too "sweet" later you might be
wishing you hadn't.
4. Sometimes they don't really have anything to
say but that doesn't mean they don't want to be around you or that they
are mad. This took me a long time to understand and sometimes it still
drives me a bit batty.
5. When they do want to talk, pay attention
to them even if it is about corvettes or mustangs because if you ignore
them or brush off when they are sharing something they love you will
probably miss something important.
6. They really are visual but
they don't respect you if you show all of your goods. They would rather
date a girl with confidence in who she is . Don't confuse this with
don't put in the effort to look good, just cover up a bit. They might
think you are fun now but the don't respect you anymore than you are
respecting yourself.
7. There mom is their number one right now
even if they don't always act like it. They still come to us when they
are hurt or happy. This will change when the women that is right for
them enters their lives but we will always be the first woman they loved
and the first one to love them.
8. Know that I have prayed for him
since he was born that the right girl will come into his life at the
right time.I believe this to be my most powerful advice to you. If you
are not right for him leave early. Don't play games because once I
decide you aren't the right one my prayer life goes into overdrive.
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