Battles heat up…not only those being waged by the soldiers on both sides fighting for Spain, but in the hearts and minds of the men and women who must sacrifice more than their dreams to save the lives of their loved ones. In this meticulously researched novel, brave and idealistic Sophie, Philip, Jose, and Deion realize their only hope for freedom is escaping Spain's borders.
A Whisper of Freedom by Tricia Goyer is published by Moody (2008)
Here is the link to the blog tour schedule: http://triciagoyer.blogspot.com/2008/03/whisper-of-freedom-meme-sticky-post.html Links:
Book excerpt: http://www.triciagoyer.com/cmsdocuments/WhisperCh1.doc Watch the series trailer: http://cg.creativenuclei.com/wip/TriciaGoyer/cscw.html
Tricia's website: http://www.triciagoyer.com/
Tricia's Blogs: http://www.triciagoyer.com/blogs.html
During the tour, anyone can enter to win one of FIVE signed copies of A Whisper of Freedom by signing up for Tricia's newsletter here! Three brave "players" will be selected at random to win their own lost gold (Gourmet chocolate coins and all three books in the Chronicles of the Spanish Civil War series). To enter all you have to do is answer the MEME on your blog and then leave a comment on Tricia’s blog tour post here http://triciagoyer.blogspot.com/2008/03/whisper-of-freedom-meme-sticky-post.html that you’ve posted your MEME. Easy. MEME
1. List three things you would do with a chest full of gold (assuming you got to keep it!) I would pay off the morgage on the house, invest money for the future, and go shoe shopping!
2. List three charities/missions/organizations you support (and why). I support Relay for Life and the American Leukemia and lymphoma foundation because we lost Ethan last August to the dreadful disease. I also make donations to the local food pantry and of course the church.
3. List three ways you have volunteered your time/services. I serve as the VBS director, the Faith Meets Fiction bookclub facilitator and I write the newsletter for the childrens team at our church.
4. List three things you keep "hidden" when company comes over. Well I am a confessed stasher so this is an unfair question because if it is on a flat surface and others might see it I will scoop it up into the nearest drawer or cupboard. If you visit my house don't open anything it could be dangerous.
5. List the last three things you've lost. Being a confessed stasher I loose everything but the latest is my house keys, purse and my mind!!
6. List the last three things you've found. My keys, a great book and happiness.
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