Those who know me well know that I am not the most organized and I will never win " The Neatest House" award. Today, I wished that I had taken the time to invest in a little house cleaning. We are having tile put down in the bathrooms today. I understood we would only be doing one bathroom today and another next week so with that assumption I did not clean my bathroom nor my bedroom. I simply did what many would do and shut the door saving it for a more convient time. If you shut the door it goes away, right? I remember in a philosphy class there was a philosopher who said that if you can't see it then it doesn't exist. I took this philosphy to heart when relating to house cleaning. After the men finished putting the tile down in the front bathroom, they asked to move on to the second one. Which you guessed it was in my room. I stuttered and hem hawed a little and finally said "Can you give me a sec to move the stuff out." and rushed to my room. We are not just putting tile in the bathroom but the master closet also. I am a confessed stasher so you can imagine how much I needed to move out. I grabbed the dirty clothes that were currently acting as a carpet in the bathroom and shoved them in the hamper and rushed to move shoes and other items from the floor of the closet. I am amazed at how many pairs of shoes I own but don't wear but we will save that for another day. Needless to say, I have sent the day in my home with no toilet to use and a realization that just because you can't see it, it is still there.
This can relate to how we treat our faith. How often do we put our faith in a closed in area of our life only taking it out when it suits us? Having faith in God is something you have to work at. You have to invest time to create a relationship with him. This means spending time reading His Word, praying and listening to Him. Have you spent enough time getting to know Him or are you pulling the door closed and waiting for a better time?