I want to introduce a new friend of mine Leanna Ellis. She has two books out in the Christian Market Elvis Takes a Backseat and Lookin' Back Texas. I have to say I love her writing. Lookin' Back Texas is her latest and it was laugh out loud funny with the right combination of pull at your heartstrings. Leanna came to my church last year for our Mother Daughter Tea and was our keynote speaker. She is just one of the nicest people I have met.
She is also going to give away a copy of Lookin' Back so be sure to follow the instuctions at the end of this post to enter!
So let let the spotlight shine a little on Leanna Ellis.
Leanna, Please tell us a little about you.
Hi, Donna! I’m a wife, mother of two, herder of four animals and a writer. Life is never dull in our house. There’s always some activity with the kids, a puppy chewing on my toes or the cat attacking.
Tell us all about this wonderful new novel of yours Lookin' Back Texas.

Lookin’ Back, Texas is about a devoted wife and mother who must return to her Texas hometown of Luckenbach, Texas to help her mother plan her father’s funeral. Trouble is – he isn’t dead! And neither are the secrets she buried there years ago.
What is the craziest thing you have ever done? I’m not telling!Well that's no fun!
Beside salvation, what is the best gift you have ever received? Oh, my hubby and my children. They are definitely the best gifts. I waited a long time to be a mother and I’ve enjoyed my children.
Who is the most important influence in your life besides God? My husband without a doubt.
Let’s pretend money is not a factor, if you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? So many places, so little time. Hawaii … and then would hop across the pond to Australia. But I usually have a deep need to get to the mountains too, so sign me up for Colorado or Wyoming. Oh, and we love Scotland … I could go on and on. I love to travel too.
What book are you reading now? What books are found lying around your home? I’m embarrassed to say that I’m not reading any fiction book right now. But that’s typical for me when I get to the end of writing one of my own. I am reading ‘Save the Cat’ by Blake Snyder for non-fiction/writing. But I actually haven’t picked it up in a week. Just can’t concentrate on anything else. And there are stacks of books everywhere in my house, even in my car. Some of the books are mine, others are my kids who are also bookaholics.
What is your favorite children’s book? The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Weird, huh? I took that book to the hospital with me when my son was born … in June! That is a bit strange!
If your book was being discussed at a book club what do you think the focus of the discussion would be on? I love talking with book clubs. I’ve been able to visit a few, and sometimes I phone in a call to the group. So if your group is interested, send me an email and we’ll see if our schedules coincide. For Lookin’ Back, Texas, the discussion usually revolves around forgiveness and perfectionism. I think that the family dynamics would also be great in a discussion of this book.
I always am trying to learn new ways to be organized in the office, what is your favorite organizational tool? A bulldozer. I usually need one to clean out my office after I finish a book. Other than that, I usually just say about the stacks and mess – it’s a creative mind at work. I think we have the same organizational style.
I love old black and white movies and the old musicals. What is your all time favorite movie? I love many of the old black and whites too, and adore musicals – anything with Gene Kelly. But it’s very hard to pick my very favorite. Some of the top favs would be: It’s A Wonderful Life, Singing in the Rain, White Christmas, Dances with Wolves, When Harry Met Sally. Well have to have a girls night and watch old movies!!
What would you like your readers to say about your writing? That they laughed and cried and were irrevocably touched. I can say Lookin' Back Texas made me do both!!
What are your pet peeves in the writing industry? Waiting! Patience is not easy for me. I think I have heard that before.
What are your dreams of 2009? What do you hope to accomplish this year? To just continue doing my job, to turn my books in on time and to find time to write that screenplay. I can't wait to see what you do next!
What do you enjoy doing when you are not slaving over the computer creating another wonderful novel? I love to spend time with my family. I love to travel. And of course, I love to read.
What is your favorite verse from the Bible? Jeremiah 29:11
What advice do you have for aspiring authors? Don’t talk about writing, just do it. Something I need to do more of!!
What do you want your readers to take away from your novel? For Lookin’ Back, Texas, I’d like them to think about the different angles of forgiveness and what grace really means.
Leanna, thanks so much for visiting with me at Write By Faith. I loved Look'n Back and look forward to reading your next novel.
If you would like to purchase a copy of Lookin' Back Texas you can do so by going to this link: Lookin' Back, Texas
To visit Leanna on the web you can find her here
To win a copy of Leanna Ellis' Lookin' Back Texas please leave a comment and a way to contact you. TODAY'S DAILY QUESTION: I think Texas is the best state in the U.S.A but I understand others may or maynot agree with me. What do you think is the best state? I will not hold it against you if you don't choose Texas, I'll just accept that you are wrong. hehe!
As always you can earn extra points by:
2 extra- bring a friend and have them put your name in the comment section. You will both get an extra point.
2 extra- Visit Leanna's site and come back and tell me something you found interesting.
2 extra- subcribe via email to this site or be a follower.
2 exta- blog about this post on your own blog or go tweet on Twitter about this giveaway be sure to leave the link to your blog. If you want to follow me on Twitter I'm writebyfaith
What a fun interview that was to read and the book sounds so interesting. Please enter me in the drawing.
Don't add me! I've got a copy of this one, already. I just thought it was really funny that it took me a minute to figure out she didn't have something growing out of her head. LOL
Please enter me! South Carolina is the best state. I live 1 hour from the beach and 3 from the mountains - close by to some of His greatest masterpieces!
I've had my eye on this book for a while. I'd love to win it.
Thanks for hosting.
Donald James Parker
Author of Angels of Interstate 29
Love Leanna's writing and love Leanna. I'd love to win the book!
good interview
I've left you an award! stop by to pick it up when you have a chance at click here
I would love to read this book.
Sorry, but my favorite state is Virginia, because of all the history, and I think it is so beautiful!
I am a follower.
Please enter me in the contest.
Becky C.
I love Seattle. Not living there anymore and miss it terribly! Please enter me to win Leann's book. Thanks so much.
~Mimi B
mnjesusfreak at gmail dot com
I believe that you're on my blog already, but I'll be more specific as to this giveaway. :) I'm also signing up to be a follower.
forgot, i'm already a follower. hahahahaha it's nice to know i'm ahead of myself sometimes.
What a beautiful blog, Donna! I just love what you've done with it this month! By the way, remember that saying, "Uncle Sam" wants you? Well, I WANT YOU--to be one of my influencers! Can I get you on my team? Just tell me what I need to bribe you with, lol.
The interview is great--you ask questions that guarantee a good interview--and the book sounds like fun, but my TBR pile is way too high already! I'll pass so that someone who will actually be able to READ the book can win it.
About the best state: Well, Long Island was wonderful, but Ohio is fabulous for raising a family. I love, love, love it here. We miss the beaches and the mountains, though. (Mountains in NY are only 2 hours north of Manhattan.)
Inspirational Romance for the Jane Austen Soul.
I am currently reading Elvis Takes a Back Seat, which I am thoroughly enjoying. Southern fiction is a favorite of mine, and I would love to win a copy of Lookin' Back Texas.
I subscribe to and follow your blog.
I explored Leanna's website the other day when I started reading her book and discovered many interesting things, especially her humor. One thing I found interesting is that she used to write romances under the name of Leanna Wilson until she felt God drawing her to CBA. I am so glad and hope she writes many more books for the Christian market.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
Sorry, I forgot to answer your question of the day.
I love the South, so I'd have to say that my home state of Georgia is my favorite. But if I could pick a second, it would be any one of the New England states. I've always been drawn to this area and would move there, but no one in my family will go with me. Too much bad weather, I guess!
I have to pick 2 states, Fl for the winter and ME for the summer. I am a follower and putting this contest on my blog. i went to Leanna's site and found not one mention of a penguin. Odd, I thought, who could not blog about them! Oh well, she does talk about books and likes lions. That should about cover the entries 'cuz I am clueless re twitter.
I can't believe there are no other Texas lovers out there! As for Kaye, you cracked me up. Not everyone is so obsessed about penguins.
He he he, I live in Missouri but I wouldn't say its my favorite state. I don't really have one..lol
I did like Texas when I visited though..does that count! :)
Heard a lot of good things about this book and have been wanting to read it.
What a great sounding book! Please enter me for a chance to win
I forgot to mention states when I answered earlier. I actually have 2 favorite states. I used to love FL in the winter time because of the warmth and my children live there and AZ in the summer time since it is drier than FL.
Please enter me in your giveaway.
Kansas is the best state yet I know Hawaii is a close runner up!
Thanks so much,
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
I am a follower!
Thanks so much,
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
I am a subscriber!
Thanks so much,
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
I've heard so much buzz about this book. I'd love to win a copy!
Cathy Bryant
catbry1 at yahoo dot com
Oops! I forgot to mention my favorite state! I'm a Texas gal and have lived in the Panhandle, North Texas, East Texas and Central Texas. So I would have to say--New Mexico! No, I'm only kidding--Texas wins, with a New Mexico second!
Although I haven't lived there in years, my home state of Oregon is beautiful!
I am a follower.
On Leanna's site she has games! I love hangman so the Elvis Takes a Backseat Hangman is my favorite.
Oh, MT is the best state, hands down! = ) I have lived in alot of states, although I have never been to TX, but my mom went there to train as a midwife and I do not do well with heat or large amounts of bugs so I will stay in the north! We do not get enough snow here though, I may have to move farther north.
I am also a follower of your blog! I would love to sit and watch old black and white movies with other people who like them. I think it is so sad when people do not. They miss out on so much
Martha those old black and white movies are just awesome. I totally agree. Which gives me an idea of another post.
The best state in the Union...I'll go with Tennessee. No, Virginia. Or North Carolina. Any of them but Michigan, which is where I currently live!
I found Leanna Ellis's webiste interesting in that it didn't mention her new book!
Another great contest! I live in NY state and think it's a beautiful place to live. Sometimes we have long winters (today was below zero) but I like having all four seasons.
Please include me for this book. It sounds like a good one. Thanks!
I'm a follower.
I've subscribed.
Kaye told me about your contest. She entered on 2/3
I've added this contest to my blog.
My son lives in Texas and it is pretty nice but have to go with Florida!
I think the site is great. Two parts I like are the games section on trivia as haven't seen that before, and second is the section for Book Clubs as I love my book club!
This book sounds terrific! Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks!
My favorite stat? Hmm. I haven't been to many states outside of my own, but I've always loved the thought of ME. I guess that's the suspense lover in me. But then again, Hawaii (sp?) sounds wonderful, too.
I'm a subscriber and I follow you on Twitter.
I'm a big fan of Leanna's and I would love to win this book. Thanks.
Pennsylvania is the best state hands down. We've got it all here :)
clickingherheels at gmail dot com
Born in Illinois, raised in Colorado, and now live in California. Hmmm. I've got to choose Colorado right now as California is in such an economic mess. But, you can't beat the view of the ocean.
Please enter me to win Leanna's book. I saw her at ACFW, and would LOVE to read on of her books. From Leanna's site I learned she used to write for the secular market.
Hey, I'm now following you on Twitter. You can find me at sherrykyle.
My favorite state is Indiana, I grew up there and moved to California at the age of 15, but I still have fond memories and friends and family back in my hometown. Indiana doesn't seem to rush life or seem to congested with traffic. I'd love to be entered to win the book.
Please enter me in your contest. Your book sounds really good. I think the most interesting state is Texas. I would love to come and live there. Seems like I'm always reading or hearing something about Texas on TV or in magazines. Some crazy characters in your state.
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