Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The loss of a classmate

The sound of sorrow and weeping filled the halls and the room. People milled around the halls many of them young. Too young to have to see this kind of sorrow much less feel it. Eyes red from crying; arms wrapped around friends. The death of a classmate is not something any of these young teens ever really thought would happen much less the death of a classmate by their own hands. Suicide what an ugly thing. It seems to be happening more often these days or at least it seems to be in my community. And it is often the result of a young person feeling bullied by other peers.

My son went to a visitation of a classmate tonight. I have to tell you this is not something a mother ever wants to take their child to. The pain and loss is tremendous. The lack of words to offer made me feel so inadequate. What do you say to your teen when they ask how someone could feel so alone they take their own life?

The weight of the classmates sorrow will forever be etched into my mind. The one command that is repeated more than any other in the Bible is "Don't Fear". I wonder if these young people are afraid that life will always be hard. That they will always feel left out, picked on, or lonely.

I know as an adult that life is worth living. Bumps in the road come and are overcome. That middle school doesn't last forever but to these young people so caught up in their emotions they don't see that. They only see the now and to them it doesn't look worth living. I have not words of wisdom to offer to my son, just lots of hugs and an urge to keep him close. I know that I will pray not just for my son but for all the children and adults affected by this loss. I would appreciate it if others would do the same.


Jodie said...

You have all been on my mind so much. It's such a terrible thing...

Mimi N said...

So profoundly sad for the loss of the classmate. My prayers will go up for your child and the classmate's family. Blows me away that a Middle School child has so much sadness or pressure that they could take their lives. Praying for you.
